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The following are resources I've personally found to be helpful.  


Here’s how I got started as a copywriter.  Learn proven ways to make your own marketing more effective. Evaluate the writing you pay for or do it yourself. This is the best place to get started in my opinion.  They’ve not only helped me, but they’ve helped thousands and thousands of people.

Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

Graphic Design:

This program teaches graphic design techniques which are proven to improve results.  A lot of what I see out there looks pretty, but doesn’t work.  In fact, I’ve seen a lot of graphic design which actually kills response.  If you haven’t noticed yet, my mission is to improve your results.  So if you’re interested in design that converts visitors and readers into paying customers, this is the program for you.

Graphic Design  Success

Social Media:

"The Puppet Master" Kenneth Yu has combined sneaky persuasion principle with the insane viral traffic power of Twitter to launch a 5-figure business in under a month and funded his wedding--at a cost that's nearly FREE.

Read his amazing story here, and find out how you can do the same.

Twitter Mind Control

Websites for small and medium size businesses:

This is a great resource I found for the small to medium size business owner.  It’s basically one stop shopping.  They offer complete website solutions and cost-effective marketing tools. Change your website with a point and click option. Unlimited free tech support.  Never pay for modifications to your site and more.

Magnetic Web Marketing

Turn your photos and travels into extra income:

While the following two programs have nothing to do with improving your business, it does have something to do with increasing your own personal bottom line. These are two programs I took myself and absolutely loved.  I love to travel, love to write and am a HUGE photo buff—taking thousands of pictures each year.  If you're wondering how you can travel for free or make some income from your photos, check out the programs below.

The Ultimate Travel Writers Program

Turn Your Pictures into Cash

"Cindy is an expert in her copywriting field who is driven to succeed, punctual and above all else, is results-oriented. Her creative strategies really do make a difference!"

Dawn DeBlaze, Owner DeBlaze and Associates

“…I have been in marketing and communications my entire professional life, starting our current real estate sales organization 12 years ago and Cindy ranks among the very finest professionals in the industry. She has always been extremely professional, responsive, anticipatory of our timely forgetfulness, pleasant but directed in negotiations and delivers exactly what she promises… I feel she deserves high consideration for any professional assignment she may seek.”

Alfred Miller III,
Chair and CEO,
Fred Miller Group, Inc


© 2009-2010, Cindy Cyr. All rights reserved.